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Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) Page 4

Her eyes flew open. “What the hell?” She whispered, scanning the forest for the black wolf. How’d he get in her head again?

  “You are the first person I have been able to speak with in decades; please I need your help.”

  Asia scoffed and rolled over despite her wolf’s objections. The last time a voice spoke in her head it wound up as a trick. She refused to waste time or fall for any more tricks.

  “They’ve used me to do… things; even now the computer in my brain is seeking to shut down this link.”

  Memories when a computer chip and scanner were locked in her brain sent chills through her. The Liege had monitored every step she made, heard and saw every person she talked to, and even used her as a weapon and instrument to gather intelligence. Life had been hell. La Patron had locked her in a cell with a blindfold to prevent the Liege from seeing the inside of his facility and to protect his secrets. No one understood how the computer chip took over your life better than she did.

  But it could all be a part of some big lie to re-capture her for what she did to the castle. Asia could not afford to answer him. Links were intimate and a powerful intrusion in a person’s life. Once she responded it would solidify the connection and he could find her anywhere. She refused that risk and remained silent.

  Hawke lay on his side on the cold concrete floor of the lab. No one had brought dinner, and he had no desire to seek out a meal. A miracle happened today. His wolf rose to the surface with renewed vigor and determination, taking control from the computer chip in his brain that ran his life. He’d always suspected it could happen under the right circumstances, he just never realized what those circumstances would be.

  That still puzzled him.

  Tate sparked his interest when they first met. There was something different about the guy but Hawke hadn’t been able to put his finger on what. Once he shifted to fuck the bitches, his wolf emerged stronger when Tate entered the room. For some reason his wolf linked with the easygoing young man. A true link. One his computerized mind could not shut down or penetrate. So it must be real. After all these years he had someone to talk to. Someone his wolf trusted.

  “I am a prisoner. My body has not been under my control for decades, yet my wolf has connected with you. Can you help us leave this place?” There was no answer. Not even a courtesy fuck off.

  Footsteps neared the doorway and Hawke stood on all fours, expecting dinner. He wasn’t starved but he could eat. Two hybrids stepped inside first. Hope, fragile and in its infancy stage crumbled beneath the boots of the man who walked inside next.

  Chapter 7

  Greggor strode into the lab, looked around, and then down at the large black wolf standing on the lower level of the lab and released a nervous sigh. If anything happened to the beast, his uncle would kill him. He had one job, to make sure Hawke worked in a safe environment.

  “I heard you were having a bad day,” he said moving to the edge of the gate. “Figured it was time for me to check in on you.” He eyed Hawke wondering why he hadn’t shifted.

  The next moment his breath caught, as magnificent as he thought Hawke’s wolf was, it didn’t compare to the man. Tall, dark and handsome didn’t begin to describe the square cut of his jaw, sharp nose and full lips. Greggor had spent hours reviewing videos of Hawke working out in the gym, driving on the small range and on the computer. He could not get enough of the man and kept his physical distance preferring to overstuff himself on camera footage without an audience.

  Hawke’s mental aptitude scores had been off the charts, that’s one of the reasons his Uncle Boris wanted Hawke, but Greggor appreciated the gorgeous hunk wrapped around the genius.

  Hawke’s head was down for a few seconds, he shuddered. Greggor’s gaze widened in fascination as Hawke’s muscles rippled across his chest and biceps bulged as he placed his palms on both sides of his head. When Hawke walked in the opposite direction, Greggor’s gaze locked on his tight ass, thick muscular thighs and wide back. The man was walking perfection and oblivious to his own natural beauty. The inherent downfall of the computer lodged in Hawke’s mind neutered vanity and emotional attachments. There were days Greggor hated the damn chip. Just once he’d like to know if Hawke ever saw him, really saw him.



  “What happened? We had a security breach.”

  Hawke stopped and looked at him. Greggor sensed he completed a self-scan first before moving to the keyboard to check his system. “My files have not been tampered with. There has been no security breach.”

  Greggor swallowed his irritation. “Because your system’s not affected does not mean we didn’t have a breach. Did anything unusual happen yesterday? Anything?” The moment the computer alarm rang, he’d activated a few hybrids to help Jerry, the security guard. Now, Jerry was missing, the hybrids destroyed, his lab techs were dead and his test subjects escaped. He would have shot himself if Hawke had disappeared as well.

  He had a small respite, his Uncle Boris’ current project in the states took priority and the man couldn’t leave, which gave Greggor time to learn where the holes were in security before recapturing the wolves.

  Hawke gave him a vacant eyed stare for a few seconds and shook his head. “Nothing that I recall.”

  Over the years Hawke’s thoroughness reached legendary status. If he said nothing happened, then he believed it. Pleased, Greggor nodded.

  “You should view the footage for that time to see if you concur with me, although I am correct.”

  Greggor nodded at the conceit embedded in the response. Often he wondered how much was Hawke and how much was the computer. “I don’t need to check, I trust you. Can you look at the main system; do an analysis on why and how the compromise happened? I need to plug that hole before I bring the test subjects back.”

  “Good point. I’ll check it now.”

  “Can you access the main system from here?” He hadn’t been aware Hawke could do that, but then again, there wasn’t much the man couldn’t do. The installed computer chip served as a means to control Hawke but had little effect on the wolf. Typically, whenever Hawke shifted to wolf to mate or run in the below ground arena, he always returned to human form when he woke.

  “I can but I run the risk of opening my system to whatever is on the main system and Master Boris forbids that. I cannot override his orders.” Hawke said his deep voice lacked inflection and personality.

  “Put some clothes on and I’ll take you up to the room.”

  Hawke nodded, strode to a room with a large glass pane, and entered a code in the keypad. The door slid open, and he walked into the room. Greggor watched him slip on a pair of pants and a tee shirt that hugged his chest. Pity he couldn’t stay naked but the cameras were back online and his uncle or any of his friends might visit this facility at any time. He would be the only person pleased at seeing a naked Hawke at the controls.

  Once dressed, Hawke entered the lift and rose to meet Greggor. The entire time the computer in the lift checked and rechecked Hawke’s chip, making sure he was stable. Greggor stepped back, looked up at his crush and swallowed hard. Masculinity personified defined Hawke who stood over six and a half feet tall, and starred as the long time object of his night-time dreams.

  Hawke passed him without any acknowledgement and placed his hand on the keypad. Anyone else in the castle could place their palm on the key pad and the door would open. With Hawke his uncle set in another series of tests to insure his valued prize didn’t escape. No one but his uncle and the computer embedded in Hawke knew the answers. After a series of key strokes, the door opened and shut behind Hawke. Greggor placed his palm on the pad and the door opened. He and the hybrids found Hawke waiting inside the lift for them.

  They rode in silence to the communications floor. Hawke stepped off first heading for the room. Greggor quickened his pace, so they arrived at the same time.

  Hawke looked around for a few seconds and then pointed to a console. “I will use this one.”

  Greggor nodded and took the chair next to him.

  An hour later Hawke leaned back in the chair and looked at Greggor. “I patched the hole and repaired the breach. If someone tampers with this again, I have placed other safeguards. The test subjects will be secure.”

  Greggor nodded, pleased. Hiring and training staff to work the lab would set him back a few days but he would have order restored before his uncle checked in again. “Were you able to retrieve the camera footage from yesterday, it would help understand what happened.”

  “Yes, but it would upload a virus to the system and open up sensitive areas. It is a simple and effective way to wipe out small areas of data. It is better to leave it alone.”

  Greggor nodded and hoped his uncle would accept Hawke’s verdict.

  “I have work to do,” Hawke said standing and then walking off toward the lift. Rather than follow, Greggor watched Hawke’s progression to the lower lab through the cameras. Not once did Hawke look in any other direction but straight. When the lift stopped on the correct floor, Hawke walked with military precision to his lab, and placed his palm on the security panel. The door slid open and the object of Greggor’s fantasies stepped into the lab.

  Chapter 8

  The cool dawn brushed against Asia’s cheek, stroking her awake in slow degrees. She lay high in the trees looking out over the forest. The natural beauty soothed her and for a few moments, all life’s cares and concerns disappeared. Sitting up, she rested against the tree and gazed toward the stone monstrosity.

  “They have used me to do things; even now the computer in my brain is seeking this link to shut it down.”

  Hawke’s pain and embarrassment touched her through the link and mirrored what she’d felt when the Liege held her mind hostage. There were nights when flashbacks of the men she’d destroyed kept her awake, she hadn’t been a good person most of her life. Did the fact someone else controlled her mind and body cancel her foul deeds? No. How was what she did different from what Hawke had done? Both had the same oppressor. But… what if this was another trap? Her mind argued. Without the chameleon bracelet she would’ve been caught and caged. What if the Liege had discovered another way to link with her and use this new information against her? But how? It made no sense.

  Unable to draw a conclusion that would satisfy both parts of her nature she closed her eyes to clear her mind. Last night the dream of the Black Wolf returned. As usual, he sat high overseeing a large litter of pups. Sometimes he poked a few pups, settled arguments and cleaned others. This dream left more questions than answers, and she still did not understand its significance. The Black Wolf Alpha had been legendary in the pack, and now roamed a different plane that wound up in dreams.


  Her eyes flew open. “Mistress?”

  “I didn’t hear anything from you and worried. Is everything okay?”

  Okay being a subjective word, Asia hesitated. “Gunnolf is dead.”

  “So sorry to hear that, I know you wanted to see him.”

  The sincerity in Jasmine’s voice filtered through the link. “Mistress, the black wolf spoke to me through a link. I don’t understand how that is possible.”

  “Through Gunnolf’s link?”

  Asia shook her head, realized Jasmine couldn’t see and then spoke. “No, through a separate link. One that feels strange, I feel him. I mean when he talks I sense his feelings.” She shook her head positive she hadn’t explained it right. “What I’m trying to say is I don’t know how he’s able to do that when La Patron and no one else has been able to link with me.”

  “Hmmm, links fall under Silas’ area of expertise. I just use them and don’t know how they work. Hold on a sec.”

  Asia looked toward the imposing castle. Her wolf hadn’t calmed down since she walked away. Could it be their mutual suffering compelling her wolf to ignore the danger the castle presented? Several ideas rolled through her mind, none made any sense.

  “Well… let me see how to explain this. In order for the wolf to link to you there has to be in place an intimate, not necessarily sexual, connection. Like parent and child, boss and employer, brother and sister, and mate to mate. Silas said that once you respond, the link will click in place and become unbreakable. But you can shut the person out from time to time but that has a price, but the link is permanent until death.”

  All of that, she knew. But she didn’t know Hawke and he shouldn’t be able to create a link with her.


  “Yes Mistress?”

  “What do you think of this wolf?”

  “The black wolf?”

  “That’s right, another black wolf. Yes tell me your thoughts, what does he say when he contacts you?”

  Asia exhaled marshalling her thoughts together. “He is a glorious beast. Tall as La Patron, although his eyes are hazel. I suspect he is stubborn, he did not give up easily.”

  “Good looking beast, got it. What does he say?”

  For some reason she hesitated to share his remarks, it seemed like a betrayal in a weird way. If it had been anyone other than Jasmine she wouldn’t reveal his shame.

  “He asked me to help him. Claims to be a prisoner in his body, and that the Liege is using him.”

  “I see. What does your wolf say?”

  Asia frowned. She hadn’t communicated with her wolf other than to dismiss the whining. “She wants to go to him,” she said in a halting tone taking stock of her wolf’s feelings. A swirl of emotions rose from her beast, fear that they’d leave, joy that Hawke was near, apprehension over their reconnection, and aggravation that Asia ignored her needs.

  “Is it possible he is telling the truth? You can scent a lie right?”

  Asia closed her eyes and hit the tree with the back of her head. How could she have forgotten something so basic?

  “Yes and yes. Weird but I’m operating a step behind my normal. Promise I will pay attention and revisit the messages again.”

  Jasmine cleared her throat. “If your wolf is unhappy about you leaving the wolf behind, and he’s created a link with you, a stranger, that could mean something significant.”

  She frowned. “Mistress? What are you talking about?” Jasmine’s straightforwardness had been one of the things she valued most about their relationship.

  Through their link Jasmine’s sigh sounded like a soft whistle. “He could be your mate.”

  The last word sent a shock through to her mind, freezing her in place. She didn’t breathe. How? Her mate lost his head in the lab, she’d seen it. It couldn’t be true.

  “No, my mate is dead.”

  “I know sweetie, but Silas thinks you got a do-over.”

  Asia brows furrowed at the words. “A what?”

  “A second chance, another shot at love, mate and pups, all that. It’s possible the Goddess has blessed you with another mate.”

  “And you call it a do-over?” The many sides of her Mistress’ personality always amazed her. Jasmine could be sweet and nurturing or hard core and demanding, whatever the situation required, the woman adapted.

  “Yes, it’s something to consider. It would explain why you are still in the area instead of leaving with Tobias last night. Maybe you can’t leave, not yet anyway.”

  Asia looked toward the castle. “A do-over?” She murmured allowing the words to fill her mind, and rolled them over her tongue. “I’ll think about it Mistress.”

  Jasmine laughed, the tinkling sound touched her. Asia smiled and waited for a comment or explanation.

  “You do that, think on it. In the mean-time, Jacques says he has a virus ready to download if you need it. No more hammering with software. He says to type in the standard codes that all of you received before the Lyrill trip, it’ll open a back door and the virus will download.”

  “What’s funny, Mistress?”

  “Uh… well, Rese and Rone have started a pool on how long it will take you to return to the castle for the wolf. All I’m gonna say is take your time, no need to r
ush. Women stick together and we don’t rush.”

  Longing swept through her at the mention of the twins antics, and the betting pool. She missed everyone. Strange, sitting high in a tree in the middle of nowhere, she came to realize she had a place to call home.

  “What was your bet?”

  Jasmine laughed.

  Asia chuckled as a sense of freedom and rightness assailed her. Home. Jasmine had been telling her all along, but it wasn’t until this moment that it settled. Everyone in the compound and everything there was pack, home.

  “I can’t say, Rese is watching. But I have faith in the end you will do the right thing.”

  “Okay, at least a few hours or another day.”

  “Not that long, oops.”

  Asia shook her head wishing she was there. “Got it. Mistress?”


  “I’ll be ready to come home after this. There is something else.” She exhaled and hoped Jasmine’s good humor continued as she told her about leaving the castle and the release of the test wolves.

  There was a pause and then Jasmine spoke. “What? I told you Silas said to leave the test animals alone.”

  “Yes, Ma’am and I apologize, my anger at being deceived over-rode everything, but that is no excuse. I failed my mission.”

  “Your mission was to rescue Gunnolf who’s a ghost. There’s no way you could’ve accomplished that. But you did discover important information Silas is using, the full-blood running the lab and now you’re bringing him out. Both of you will need to leave the continent at once, I’m sure Silas has a few questions for him.”

  Asia released a breath. Jasmine’s tone spoke of her anger even as she rationalized what happened and found something redeemable in all of this. The Goddess chose well in La Patron’s mate.

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “If you need help call me. If he is your mate, you cannot leave him behind; your wolf would never allow it. Go, and retrieve your black wolf. I will have a plane on standby.”

  “Is that my new mission?”

  “I don’t think you need a mission to carry out this one. The twins are talking about a short trip to the island with their mates. It’d be good for you to be home before they leave. If you need anything, I’m here.”